Judicial oversight

Judicial oversightJudicial oversight
  1. Administrative supervision , social supervision and judicial oversight combination is the basic requirements of the new system .


  2. spying on us without any judicial oversight , and he said it was a matter of life and death .


  3. These will also allow the police to " detain suspects for preventive reasons ", only with more " judicial oversight " and " limits " on police power .


  4. Discipline inspection and supervision and judicial oversight is the fundamental guarantee of crime control , supervision and independent exercise of the rights of the existing contradictions with local interests still to be resolved .


  5. Although the media on the judicial oversight can help to safeguard the conduct of the judges found that the grievances of wrong case , to prevent corruption in the judiciary .


  6. When the product of a committee 's deliberations is placed in the administrative record , it is available to those who engage in political and judicial oversight of the agency .


  7. But that power must be subject to judicial and congressional oversight .


  8. A series of statutory , constitutional , and judicial doctrines have been developed to define the proper boundaries on judicial oversight of administration .
